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Adams-Cripe Campaign Announces Honorary Co-Chairs

Updated: Apr 21

5 Female Current & Former Elected Officials Endorse Adams & Cripe for Maplewood TC

Ellen Davenport, Kathy Leventhal, India Larrier, Mila Jasey, and Garnet Hall will all serve as honorary co-chairs of the campaign.


It’s fitting that just after Women’s History Month 2024, current and former female Maplewood elected officials will be the honorary co-chairs of the Adams-Cripe Campaign Committee. Former Mayor Ellen Davenport, former Deputy Mayor Kathy Leventhal, and former Township Committeewoman India Larrier join with recently retired Assemblywoman Mila Jasey and current Assemblywoman Garnet Hall to join the Adams-Cripe campaign team as honorary chairs!  


Former Mayor Ellen Davenport commented, “I endorse Nancy Adams and Jamaine Cripe for re-election to the Maplewood Township Committee. Nancy brings a wealth of experience to her position. As Mayor she has shown her ability and willingness to listen to members of the community. Jamaine is a motivated and involved member of the Township Committee. Her experience as a community volunteer is an important asset to the town. Together they have resolved issues before they became major problems. This is an important aspect of leadership and governance. Good government demands it, and this team can do it.” 


Former Assemblywoman and Board of Education President Mila Jasey offered, “I have known Nancy for three decades. She has always been dedicated to public service. She is smart, persistent, and collaborative. I value her commitment to environmental sustainability, to inclusiveness for all parts of the Maplewood community and especially to the welfare of our seniors.” Ms. Jasey added, “I am thrilled that Jamaine Cripe has decided to run for re-election after her first term on the Township Committee. Jamaine provides an irreplaceable link to Maplewood’s Seth Boyden neighborhood and immigrant communities, constituencies too often left out of community conversations. She has repeatedly demonstrated her understanding of their needs and has demonstrated her commitment to seeing that they are heard. She is committed, thoughtful, and a true servant-leader.”


Assemblywoman Garnet Hall observed, “Mayor Nancy Adams has been a vital part of the community for decades. As a downtown revitalization expert, she devoted her considerable skills to the improvements that have transformed Springfield Avenue. As a passionate environmentalist, she spearheaded the single-use plastic ban and the gas leaf-blower restrictions. As mayor, she has been a tireless advocate for gender and racial equity. Nancy’s tremendous contributions to Maplewood have earned her my full support as she runs for re-election to the Township Committee.” 


Former Deputy Mayor Kathy Leventhal offered, “The Maplewood Democratic Committee endorsed Nancy Adams and Jamaine Cripe for this year’s Democratic Primary Election on June 4th. Nancy is my friend. I know well her integrity, drive and caring. As our mayor, she leads us wearing many hats: long-time Maplewoodian, caring neighbor and school parent, activist, expert in revitalization and strategic downtown management, environmentalist, and the hat I most appreciate – listener. Nancy listens to learn and to lead! Jamaine is our Deputy Mayor. She serves in this position with an open mind and a big heart; she is true and real. Their re-election will ensure continued progress on the many promising initiatives of their current term.!”


Former Township Committeewoman India Larrier, who served with Nancy Adams, said, “During my years working with Nancy as a Township Committee member, I saw the integrity she brings to the position. Her passion for and unwavering commitment to Maplewood and its residents is inspiring. She is “all-in” regarding the environment and equity and keeps our township honest regarding these issues. Her desire to work through disagreement toward mutual understanding and collaboration is an ingrained part of her. These characteristics are what I saw shine brightly while serving with her. I look forward to Nancy and Jamaine continuing this vital work on behalf of all Maplewood residents.” 


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Paid for by Adams-Cripe for Maplewood Township Committee

Treasurer Tom Carlson

44 Sommer Avenue, Maplewood, NJ 07040

Created by ASimonSays

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